Welcome to Glowing_Wild!

Hello everyone! Welcome to Glowing_Wild!

Now if you've read the about me section at the top of my page, you'll already know a little bit about me, but let me introduce myself properly.

So, as you may know, my name is Sophie. I'm 18 years old. I live in Essex, and I'm studying for a media degree. I've started this blog really because I wanted a place to get my thoughts down. I'm quite a deep thinker and probably think too much about things, but I thought I could use this blog as a place to get those thoughts down creatively.
And I love so many different things too! From bands, to films, to YouTube and anime - and all of these things have played such an important part in my life. I owe a lot to the things I love for making me the person I am now writing this introductory post.

Well I will keep this brief because I feel like I'll ramble on for too long otherwise. I hope that through this blog you may all get to know me more and that you enjoy reading about my thoughts and feelings. I'll see you in my first official post.

Till the next time,
Sophie x

P.S - Glowing_Wild also happens to me my @ on Twitter! So feel free to go give me a follow for all the latest updates on the blog, and say hi if you like :)


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