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Try Something New! You never know what you may discover!

For my first post, I wanted to write about something I don't really see enough of in the world of blogging - and that is anime. I've adored anime for about 2 years now and, as cheesy as it may sound, it really has changed my life. Anime has introduced me to a brand new world and has bought some incredible people into my life as a result. Admittedly, growing up, I never understood anime; a naive thought I know when I'd never actually watched any in my life before, but I feel like anime came into my life at the perfect time. I was first introduced to anime by one of my best friends during sixth form who kept going on and on at me to watch a particular dubbed show (I'll let you know what one later). So eventually I gave in, and I immediately fell in love. The stunning visual animation and incredible voice actors involved in the dubs blew me away! I couldn't believe that actually anime was a world that wasn't silly or lacked plot substance or deep storylines; t

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